Events and Highlights
Dr Amarsinha D Nikam honoured with Dhanwantri Award on 23 oct 2016 Felicitated by Shri Mahesh Akhade (Comissioner of Income Tax)

We thankful to B seva Bank for Donating Ambulance to Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital and their contribution towards society

Dr. Hanment Gaikwad, (BVG India) visited Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital On September 2016.
Workshop 2016
Workshop Conducted for a practical approach to Classical Homeopathy. Every year Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital Conduct workshop for Doctors. The last workshop session was conducted on September 24 & 25.
Workshop 2017
Classical Homoeopathy Workshop at Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital 2017. New Batch Session will start on Saturday 21st Jan & Sunday 22nd Jan. 2017