Dr. Pradeep Gupta

Date : 3rd Dec. 2010

Dr. Pradeep Gupta

"Today, the one of the most important day in my life. I met Dr. Nikam, the Great human being, a great Homoeopath, Thorough learned & gentleman.

I saw his In-door, I felt that is a dream for me. I came to know about his hospital by Dr. D. P. Rastogi, Dr. Bhasme, but when I saw myself the very vast pathology and serious diseased patients having relieved by his single medicine, my faith & conviction greatly improved towards the wonderful science of Homoeopathy. I was a strong believer in Homoeopathy but today is the milestone in my understanding & believing in Homoeopathy.

Now I can say Homoeopathy can do anything for patient & I will devote my whole life for developing Homoeopathy as an In-door medicine."

‐ Dr. Pradeep Gupta.
Chairman, Naiminath Homoeepathic Medical College &
Hospital & Research Centre,

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